For your reference, please find the latest update of Government Support Packages detailed below.

Some great initiatives -nearly too many to list.   This information has been provided by our ANZ Govt Relations.

 The most recent updates as of today are including:

·         WA:

o   $116m for eligible regional land buyers to access grants/discounts of up to $69k

o   $800k in co-contribution grants for regional agrifood & beverage businesses to access new export markets

 ·         QLD:

o   $70m to extend (12 months to 30 June 2021) ‘Back to Work’ payments to businesses that recruit a new worker who has been unemployed for at least four (4) weeks

o   $10m to extend skills and training program ‘Skilling Queenslanders for Work’

o   $10m to provide unemployed with temporary roles to deliver priority environmental projects in Great Barrier Reef catchments

 ·         NSW:

o    $83m to reform planning system and shorten assessment times

 Govt Federal

($163b direct economic measures + $105b bond/wholesale funding +

$6.7b on health measures)


·    $1.6b (cease 12 July) for child-care to pay 50% of sector fee revenue as long as services remain open and do not charge families for care

§  All parents eligible with priority to those working, vulnerable and disadvantaged children

§  Additional $453m for pre-schools in 2021

§  $708m transition payment of 25% of fee revenue from 13 July until 27 September. During this period, child care fees will be capped and services will need to guarantee employment to staff who move off JobKeeper (to cease from 20 July for employees of a subsided service and for sole traders)

·    $70b (over 6 months) for a $1,500 (per employee) fortnightly ‘JobKeeper’ payment

§  Eligible to employers that have seen  turnover fall > 30% (50% fall if turnover > $1b). 15% turnover threshold for charities

§  Cover all full-time, part-time, casual (employed > 12 months) staff

§  Estimated to benefit 6m with payments from 1 May with eligibility status as at 1 March

·   $4.8b for one‐off $750 payment to pensioners and income support recipients (majority to be paid in April)

·    $14.1b for fortnightly (incremental) $550 coronavirus income support supplement for the next six (6) months

§  Expanding eligibility for existing support payments

§  5,000 extra staff for Services Australia for delivery of new measures

·    $4b for a further $750 payment to social security and income support recipients (except those who will get $550 coronavirus supplement)

§  Paid from 13 July to around 5m people (approx half of whom are pensioners)

§  Mutual obligation requirements removed until 27 April

·    Increase payment eligibility by adjusting partner income taper rates from $48k to $79k

·    $1.2b to allow those in financial stress to access their super up to $10k FY19-20 and up to $10k in FY20-21 (tax free, without effect on social security payment amounts)

§  Also reducing minimum drawdown requirements for account based pensions by 50% in FY19-20 and 20-21

·    $876m to reduce social security deeming rates by a further 0.25% (from 0.25% - 2.25%)

§   Benefit 900k pensioners and income support recipients

·   Streamlined (80c per hour) work from home tax deductions (1 March – 30 June)


·    Corps Act changes that allow: AGMs and other prescribed meetings to be convened online; and electronic signing of docs.  Effective for six months from 6 May 2020

·    $500m Export Capital Facility for loans of $250k to $50m for exporters unable to get finance from commercial sources

·    Commercial Tenancies –mandatory code in each S&T:

§  Apply if tenant or landlord eligible for the JobKeeper, where turnover $50m or less

§  Landlords must not terminate lease or draw on a tenant’s security

§  Tenants must honour the lease

§  Landlords reduce rent in proportion to lost turnover, through a combination of waivers and deferrals

§  Waivers must account for at least 50%, deferrals must be covered over the balance of the lease term (in no less period than 12 months – starting after the pandemic period).

§  Freeze on rent increases (except retail turnover leases)

§  Reduction in statutory charges and benefit of deferrals for banks should be shared/passed to tenant

·    $31.9b for payments of $20k-$100k to SMEs and NFPs to continue operations and retain staff

§  100% of salary & wages; $10k-$50k payments

§  SMEs with turnover less than $50m eligible

§  Available from 28 April through ATO

§  Also additional payment from 28 July  equal to total of all previous payments under this measure

§  Benefit 690k businesses; 7.8m employees; 30k NFPs

·    Govt will provide (50%) guarantee of up to $20b to support $40b in new SME loans

·    $1.3b for a 50% wage subsidy for SMEs to support jobs of 120k apprentices and trainees (Jan-Sept)

·    $1b to increase the instant asset write off threshold from $30k to $150k and expand access to include businesses with aggregated annual turnover of less than $500m (up from $50m) until 31 December 2020

·    $3.2b for time limited 15 month accelerated depreciation (50%) deductions (through to 30 June 2021) for businesses with a turnover less than $500m

·    $5m for a national campaign through COSBOA to promote/encourage support for small business

·    Six (6) month exemption from responsible lending obligations for credit to existing SME customers if there’s existing borrowing

§  Applies  to new credit, credit limit increases and credit variations and restructures where a proportion of credit used for business purposes

·   $4.7m to provide small regional businesses with access to free financial counselling (part of previously announced COVID Relief and Recovery Fund)


·    $1.5b for small priority “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects identified by States & Territories (including $500m reserved specifically for road safety)

·    15 major infrastructure projects (worth $72b) identified for fast‐track approval between the Commonwealth and States

·    Transfer ‘Deregulation Taskforce’ into PM&C where it will examine differing occupational licensing requirements and modernising/digitising business communications

·    $680m ‘Homebuilder’ program, providing estimated 27k grants of $25k to build/renovate primary residence. Eligibility requirements include: income ($125k single/$200k couple); price cap ($750k new build/$150k-$750k for renovation with dwelling value < $1.5m)

·    $250m package for creative, arts and entertainment sectors, including $90m for concessional ‘Show Starter Loans’ to fund new productions & events. Loans to be 100% guaranteed by the Federal Government and delivered through commercial banks. Guidelines to be released “in coming weeks”.

·    $36m for Agricultural Show support (part of previously announced ‘Relief and Recovery Fund’)

·    $150m by NBN to provide relief to ISPs for low-income, hardship and SME customers

·    $165m to Qantas & Virgin to operate a minimum domestic network for an (initial) 8 week period (extended to 30 Sept)

·    $54m support for media industry including additional ($13m) Public Interest News Gathering & ($40m) in to waive spectrum tax for 12 months

·    $50m to continue network of international repatriation flights from London and Los Angeles

·    $240m to continue the ‘International Freight Assistance Mechanism’ (IFAM) until the end of the year

·    $100m in fee waivers to tertiary and international education providers plus six-month exemption from FEE-HELP and VET loan fees

·    $200m to increase capacity of Services Australia

·    $83m to expand capacity of Jobactive

·    $80m to underwrite international flights for four weeks

·    $63.3m of additional funding for Legal Aid Commissions (LACs), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS), Community Legal Centres (CLCs) and Family Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLS)

·    $62m for enhanced financial counselling services, emergency food etc.

·    APRA expectation that ADI’s etc. limit discretionary capital distributions including deferrals or prudent reductions in dividends.

·    $7.8m to support oil recycling facilities affected by COVID

·    $7.6m (over 6 months) to waive rent for SMEs/NFPs who occupy Govt premises

·    12 month extension of stay for workers under Seasonal Workers Program and Pacific Labour Scheme

·    AusPayNet to increase PIN limit for contactless card payments from $100 to $200 for initial three (3) month period

·    Regs that temporarily exempt credit licensees from responsible lending obligations for certain lending to existing SME customers

·    6 month pause on debt raising and recovery activity through Services Australia

·    Reducing to $0 the thresholds for all foreign investments under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act, such that all proposed foreign investments require approval, regardless of value or nature of the foreign investor

·    Relax legal obligations for financially distressed business:

§  Increase threshold for creditors to issue a statutory demand

§  Increase time companies have to respond to statutory demands

§  Temporary relief for directors from any personal liability for trading while insolvent. 

§  Corps Act amendments for relief to deal with unforeseen events  

·    Temporary amendments (6 months from 26 May) to Corps Act continuous disclosure obligations such that companies and officers’ will only be liable if there has been “knowledge, recklessness or negligence” with respect to updates on price sensitive information to the market

·    RBA reduces cash rate 25bps to 0.25%

·    RBA to purchase (semi) govt bonds in secondary market to reduce 3yr govt bond yield to 0.25%

·    RBA to provide $90b funding facility to ADIs at 0.25% for up to 3% of outstanding lending to SMEs

·    AOFM to invest $15b in wholesale funding markets used by small ADIs and non-ADI lenders

·    APRA relaxes CET1 capital expectations (10.5%) during COVID-19 period

·    $1.8b ($1.3b bring forward / $500m additional) for local governments to invest in road and community projects

·    $1.013b aviation industry package for the refunding and waiving of charges

§  $198m for regional air network (extended to 31 Dec)

§  $100m for regional airlines (extended to 31 Dec)

§  $159m upfront benefit based on reimbursements since 1 Feb-20

·    $1b for tourism, agriculture and education sectors, including waiver of fees and charges

§  $110m for international freight assistance for exporters

§  $50m for Export Market Development Grants (EMDGs)

§  $10m to waive Australian Fisheries levies

§  $94.6m for zoos and aquariums

·    Admin relief for certain tax obligations, including deferring tax payments up to four months

·   $27m for indigenous & regional Arts sector

·   $2.1m to waive $240 registration fee for civil marriage celebrants in FY21


·  $1.1b ‘Advance to Finance Minister’ for Health Dept purchase of PPE

·  ~$1b to underwrite 657 private and NFP hospitals in return for capacity during COVID-19 response

§  Provide additional 30k beds and 105k staff

§  States will also complete similar agreements with private hospitals    

·  $1.1b for medicines and equipment

·  $780m ‘Advance to the Finance Minister’ for Health Dept purchase of PPE

·  $669m for Medicare subsidized tele-health services

§  $53m for RFDS

·  $750m for additional aged care funding

·  $500m for hospitals

·  $230m for CSIRO for testing facility and vaccine work

·  $200m for charities and community organisations

·  $150m for domestic violence support

·  $74m for mental health support

·  $48.1m for a ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing Pandemic Response Plan’

·  $31.3m for ventilators from Grey Innovation consortium

·  $30m for medical research

·  $30m for training of health/aged care workers

·  $30m public health communications campaign

·  $20m for research to improve mental health care and reduce suicide rates

· $4.1m for additional ICU online education for 20k registered nurses


($4.4b on economic measures + $2.2b on infrastructure fund + $750m on loan guarantees + $958m on health measures - $3b on savings measures)

·    $3b saving by pausing all public sector pay rises for 12 months. Govt guarantee of no forced redundancies outside SES roles

·    $200m for a one-off $1,000 stimulus payment to state public servants subject to wage freeze

·    $220m land tax concession (25%) and deferral for residential landlords implementing leasing Code principles

·    $30m for Energy Accounts Payments Assistance scheme

·    Long Service Leave flexibility:

§  Waive one-month notice period for taking leave (by mutual agreement)

§  Ability to take this leave in shorter blocks (rather than traditional monthly blocks)

·    $34 million to boost temporary accommodation and private rental assistance packages

·    $50m to waive licence fees in construction & trade sectors for 12 months

·    $220m land tax concession (25%) and deferral for commercial landlords implementing leasing Code principles

·    $750m for Small Business Growth Fund with grants up to $10k

§  Applications open until 30 June for SMEs with 1-19 staff; turnover >$75k; and payroll below tax threshold of $900k

§  ‘Small Business Recovery Grant’ of up to $3,000 to help businesses safely relaunch operations (utilising funds remaining from $750m Small Business Support Fund)

·    $13m for a regional small business ‘Exporter Assistance Grant’ of $10k

·    $420m to freeze workers compensation insurance premiums through icare (1.4% of average base wages)

·    Immediate payment of all NSWG suppliers in advance of contracted payment terms

§  Release $750m into NSW economy

·    Additional $750m (total $1b) for a ‘Working for NSW Fund’ to sustain business, create new jobs and retrain employees (also includes $250m for additional cleaning services)

§  $112.5m for a Council Job Retention Allowance ($1,500 per fortnight per employee) paid for up to 3 months

§  $51m for preschool fees for 6 months

§  $82m for childcare centers not eligible for JobKeeper

§  $10m for NSW Small Business Commission

§  1000 new staff for Service NSW to be funded

§  $4.6m for 30 additional Business Connect advisors

·    Waive payroll tax for ALL businesses for six (6) months

·    $80m to waive a range of fees and charges for small businesses including bars, cafes, restaurants and tradies

·    $56m to bring forward payroll tax cuts by raising the threshold limit to $1m in 2020-21

·    Deferral of gaming tax for clubs, pubs and hotels, and lotteries tax for six (6) months conditional on funds being used to retain staff

·    Deferral of rents for six (6) months for commercial tenants with less than 20 employees in all Government-owned properties

·    $2.2m in drilling grants; payment deferrals for Exploration Licences and Assessment Lease Applications for six (6) months; and extension of commencement dates for new licences

·   Rent relief (1 April-30 Sept) to eligible businesses & NFPs (turnover <$50m/30% fall in turnover; or 15% for NFPs) that lease or license Crown land

·    $3b ($800m redirected from proposed Stadium Australia refurbishment) for a new ‘Infrastructure and Job Acceleration Fund’ for smaller, shovel-ready projects

·         Including $569m for additional ‘shovel-ready’ infrastructure projects

·    Guarantee $750m in commercial loans by NSW universities. Those applying for loan guarantees will be asked “to show how they intend to restructure their operations to make them more sustainable”.

·    $500m to bring forward capital works and maintenance

·    $250m increase in low-cost loans to local  councils for community infrastructure projects

·    $33m to assist councils meet the cost of the FY21 increase in Emergency Services Levy

·    $250m to employ additional cleaners of public infrastructure such as transport assets, schools and other public buildings

·    $250m to bring forward maintenance on public assets including social housing and crown land fencing

§  $60.5m for maintenance works and upgrades on public housing properties (50% regional)

§  $13.5m for Aboriginal tenants in regional and remote NSW

·    Deferral of the parking space levy for six months

·   Amend planning requirements to allow construction sites to operate on weekends and public holidays

·    $83m to reform planning system and shorten assessment times

·    $50m rescue & restart package for arts and cultural organisations

·    $27.3m for Community Sport Recovery Package with $1,000 grants to ~12.5k local sporting clubs and associations

·    $20m for temporary crisis accommodation for stranded international students

·    $15.6m for legal assistance services to address COVID specific issues, including domestic violence etc.

·    $15m to improve public spaces for social distancing

·    $12.6m taxi industry support package

·   $9m for upgrades to regional courts and correctional facilities (part of previously announced $100m regional package)

·    $9m industry support for commercial fishing, aquaculture and charter boat industries

·    $4m emergency grant funding to support temporary visa holders and specialist migrant and settlement services

·   $1m for digital adaptation grants for ‘Creative Kids’ program

·  $700m for NSW Health

§  $34m to train 300 physiotherapists who treat COVID-19 patients in intensive care

§  $17m for 89 additional ambulances

§  $8.6m to expand hospital Patient Experience Program

·  $73m for 180 additional mental health workers

·  $34m for homelessness

·  $10m to support charities and $6m for Lifeline

·  $58m for health worker accommodation

·  $25m for medical research and vaccine trials

·  $21m for domestic violence support services

·  $12.7m to utilise 200 final year medical students in NSW hospitals during the pandemic if required

·  $11m for commercialisation of research products

· $10m to partner with industry to boost domestic supply chains

· $3m for refresher training for 1,500 ICU nurses


($6.5b on economic measures + $24.5b in additional appropriations + $1.9b on health measures)

·    For tenants in locked down towers: $1,500 or $750 hardship payment; plus two (2) weeks rent relief

·    $1,500 payment to those with a confirmed COVID case or a close contact who can’t utilise sick leave to quarantine

·    $500m ‘Working for Victoria Fund’ to help unemployed find new opportunities, incl work cleaning public infrastructure or delivering food

§  Administered in consultation with the Victorian Council of Social Services and Victorian Trades Hall Council

·    Govt to facilitate job matching to find short-term or casual roles

·   Defer planned increase in the landfill levy until Jan-21 worth $33m in 2020

·   Extend $20k regional First Home Owner Grant for an extra 12 months (until the middle of 2021)

·   $45m International Student emergency Relief Fund for payments up to $1,10

·    ‘Job Exchange Program’ to extend $1,500 fortnightly JobKeeper payment to approx 3k currently ineligible casual public sector workers until the end of Sept, provided they are happy to be redeployed to other public sector roles

·   $3.7m to support 1,100 community workers assist consumers in financial hardship manage utilities bills

·    $534 million Business Support Package –

§  Expand (existing) ‘Business Support Fund’ and provide eligible businesses in all areas under Stage 3 restrictions with additional $5k grant

§  $40m capped fund for regional tourism businesses to cover the costs of refunds (able to claim up to $225 p.n. up to five nights for each room cancelled)

§  $30m dedicated fund for hospitality businesses 

§  $26m for small business mental health support

§  $20m CBD Business Support Fund

§  $10m business mentoring program, pairing small business owners with experienced professionals

§  Eligible businesses with payrolls up to $10m can defer their liabilities for the first half of FY21

·    $491m to freeze at current levels all fees and fines due to be increased in July, including car registration, traffic infringements, court-imposed penalties and permit fees

·    $420m for 25% discount on land tax for landlords that provide tenants with rent relief with remaining 75% deferred until Mar-21

·    $80m fund for renters in hardship

·    $550m for full payroll tax refunds for FY19-20 to SMEs with payroll less than $3m

§  Av saving of $23k and up to $114k to SMEs employing approx 400k people

·    $500m to establish a ‘Business Support Fund’ with grants up to $10k for all businesses with a wages bill less than the payroll tax threshold of $650k (not including sole traders eligible for JobKeeper)

§  Administered with the Victorian Chamber, Australian Hotels Association and Ai Group

·    Commercial tenants in govt buildings can apply for rent relief

·    2020 land tax payments deferred for SMEs

·    Govt will pay all outstanding supplier invoices within five (5) business days

§  Release $750m earlier

·    Waive liquor licensing fees for 2020 for affected venues and small businesses

·   $3.5m to defer rent and annual fees of mines, quarries and exploration companies until Jan-21

·   Grants ($10k-$300k) for food production businesses and farms to cover up to 50% of adaptation projects

·    $2.7b ‘Building Works’ package, including:

§  $1.18b for education infrastructure, including 10 new schools and upgrading or modernising 57 schools

§  $382m for upgrades and maintenance at tourism destinations

§  $328m for upgrades and maintenance of transport network and roads/rail

§  $180m planning and acceleration fund

§  $100m to upgrade CFA & SES stations, disability accommodation, mental health and aged care facilities

·    $24.5b in additional emergency funding ($10b FY20 & $14.5b in FY21) to “deal with the pandemic and the recovery from it”

·    $150m ‘Experience Economy Survival Package’ to support sporting clubs & competitions; major tourist attractions; galleries & museums; and the racing industry

·    $69m for TAFE and training system

·    $17.5m for frontline legal assistance services in response to coronavirus

·    $16.8m support package for creative & arts industry

·    $15m Live Music Venues Program to support venues with a capacity of 50 to 1,200 people

·    $11.3m for specialist assistance to multicultural communities and asylum seekers

·    $4.7m support package for regional print media

·    $4.2m (over two years) to improve service delivery and operations at State Trustees

·    $350m for ‘Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund’ to support universities with capital works, applied research and research partnerships

·    $110m payroll tax deferrals for universities

·   $23m to support Aboriginal Victorians through the pandemic (including $10m for Aboriginal COVID-19 Response Fund; and $13m for increased service demand)

·  $1.3b for an additional 4k ICU beds, equipment, staff etc

·  $437m for VIC Health

·  $60m to expedite elective surgery

·  $59m mental health package

·  $30m to expand beds capacity

·  $17m for improved access to disability health services

·  $10m for PPE

·  $6m for medical research

·  $8.8m for health care and supported accommodation for homeless



($5.3b on economic measures + $1.4b on health measures)

·    $500m to assist those who lose job/income and help redeployment into key sectors

·    $300m to provide households with $200 off their utility bills

·    $10m support package for stranded international students

·    Rental grants of up to four weeks rent, or a maximum of $2k

·    $2.2m support & counselling services for international students

·    $900k COVID-19 support package for vulnerable communities, including refugees, asylum seekers and migrants

·   $1,500 (one-off) hardship payment to casuals ineligible for JobKeeper or any employee that has exhausted their sick leave entitlement that contracts COVID

·    $10m to extend skills and training program ‘Skilling Queenslanders for Work’

·   $10m to provide unemployed with temporary roles to deliver priority environmental projects in Great Barrier Reef catchments

·    Second stage of economic recovery plan, ‘Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs’:

§  Construction – $267m building & construction stimulus, including additional $5k first home-owner grants (total $20k) for buyers of a new home (value up to $750k)

§  Small business – $100m for small business COVID-19 adaption grants of up to $10k

§  Agriculture – $12.5m for agribusiness and food sector for biosecurity, diversification and ecommerce support

§  Resources & Energy – $10m to promote exploration activity for new economy minerals; and $17m for a new Renewable Energy Training Facility in Brisbane

§  Tourism – $10m to secure new interstate flights; $9m for National Parks infrastructure; $23m for taxi and limousine operators

§  Arts – $22.5m for recovery of the arts and culture sector

·    $1b business loan (up to $250k) facility, interest free for the first 12 months, to enable staff retention

§  Delivered through Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority

·    $400m land tax relief for commercial or residential property owners who agree to provide rent relief for tenants

§  3 month rebate FY20 and 3 month deferral in FY21

§  Extend application deadline for land tax rebates for landlords by an additional four (4) months to 31 October

·    $70m to extend (12 months to 30 June 2021) ‘Back to Work’ payments to businesses that recruit a new worker who has been unemployed for at least four (4) weeks

·    $54.5m package for transport operators to continue services

·    $33.8m to waive state land rent for farmers, tourism operators and clubs for six (6) months (1 April – 30 Sept)

·    $14.7m to freeze irrigation prices and absorb dam safety costs for farmers in FY21

·    Defer payroll tax for ALL businesses for six (6) months (from 1 Feb-20)

·    Refund two (2) months; provide a three (3) month holiday;  and an additional six (6) month deferral on payroll tax to SMEs

·    Waiving liquor licensing fees for venues that have had to close

·    Rent relief for businesses occupying state premises

·    $500 power bill rebate to SMEs and sole traders

·    Office of State Revenue (OSR) will work with businesses to create repayment plans for any deferred tax liabilities

·   QLD Govt to fast track payment of suppliers

·   $500k support package for businesses that exhibit/care for animals

·    $726m (additional) economic recovery strategy, ‘Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs’, including:

§  $400m ‘Accelerated Works Program’ for transport and road infrastructure;

§  $200m ‘Works for Queensland Program’ to support jobs and fund building projects;

§  $100m for ‘Small Business Adaption Grants’ of up to $10k (part of previously announced $500m ‘Worker Assistance Package)

§  $50m for tourism infrastructure and a domestic tourism campaign;

§  $50m to expand manufacturing capacity for PPE, hand sanitiser and medical supplies (redirected from existing ‘Making it for Queensland’ initiative)

§  $20m for online training in safety and hygiene standards;

§  $20m to build a ‘Queensland Apprenticeships Centre’ in renewable hydrogen at Beenleigh;

§  $14.8m (additional) project funding to connect the North-West with the National Electricity Market (CopperString 2.0 project);

§  $11.25m to expand the ‘Household Resilience Program’ for cyclone affected areas;

§  $10m support package for international students;

·    $100m ($30m from Govt / $70m from industry) over 3 years for ‘Resources Community Infrastructure Fund’ (RCIF) to  improve economic and social infrastructure in resources communities

·    $200m for Virgin Australia conditional on “Fed Govt backing, debt restructuring, shareholders and bond holders doing their bit, headquarters remaining in BNE and ongoing regional flights”

·    $90.3m for additional ‘shovel-ready’ infrastructure projects

·    $50m in gaming machine tax deferrals for pubs & clubs

·    $27.25m aide package including:

§  $7m international tourism promotion

§  $4.8m for the Tropical Far North and Gold Coast regions

§  Waiving fees for fishers etc.

§  Waiving liquor license fees

§  Deferring tourism lease payments

§  Rebates for marina and jetty fees

·    $17m for community kindergartens in Term 2

·    $24.7m for housing and homelessness

·    $5m to 15 QLD airports to secure new domestic tourism flights

·  $1.2b for fever clinics; emergency department capacity; acute care services

§  $4.5m for charities ($1m for Legacy & $3.5m for Lifeline)

·  $96m for Central Queensland Health

·  $70m for Mackay Health

·  $28m for community based health services

·  $21m to support indigenous health and wellbeing during COVID-19

·  $17.5m (over 6 months) for accommodation for ICU/COVID health workers

·  $5m for domestic violence support

· Acquisition of the Gladstone Mater Hospital


($2.1b on economic measures + $100m additional borrowing facility +

$566m on health measures)

·    $402m to freeze household fees and charges (incl electricity, water, motor vehicle charges, emergency services levy and public transport fares) until at least July 1, 2021

§  Budget previously included increase of 2%

·    $116m to double (from $300 to $600) and bring forward the Energy Assistance Payment (EAP) for current/future pensioners & concession card-holders

·    $116m for eligible regional land buyers to access grants/discounts of up to $69k

·    Moratorium on customers in hardship having utilities disconnected. No interest charges on deferred bill payments

·    Interest free payment arrangements for  transfer duty, landholder duty, vehicle licence duty or land tax

·   Keystart customers can defer principal repayments and waive interest costs by up to six (6) months

·    $30m for grants (up to $2k) for residential tenants in financial hardship

·   Waive interest charges on overdue rates in FY21 for residences and small businesses suffering financial hardship

·   12 month extension for increased income limits for (state assisted, low deposit) ‘Keystart’ home loans until 30 June, 2021 (previously 1 July 2020).

·    WA Govt to reduce standard payment terms to suppliers by 10 days (from 30 to 20 days) for invoices under $1m

·    $237m for a one-off $2,500 utilities credit for SMEs

·    $165m to waive FY19/20 payroll tax for businesses with payrolls of up to $7.5m until July-20

·    $100m land tax relief grants (up to 25% of tax bill) for commercial landlords who reduce rent for small business tenants

·    $100m to waive (and refund) a range of state licence fees for SMEs for 12 months

·    Interest free payment arrangements for  transfer duty, landholder duty, vehicle licence duty or land tax

·    Moratorium on SMEs in hardship having utilities disconnected. No interest charges on deferred bill payments

·    $114m in measures:

§  Businesses with payroll between $1m and $4m will receive one-off grant of $17.5k

§  Will impact 7.4k SMEs

§  Bring forward (by six months) increase in payroll tax threshold to $1m to 1 July-20

§  Will impact est. 11k SMEs

·   $25m to waive rental for SMEs and NFPs in Govt owned buildings for six (6) months

§  Also allow pastoral lease holders to request rent payments be reduced, waived or delayed

·    $14.4m package to support tourism industry and jobs

·   $1.3m for commercial fisheries fee waivers

·    $24.5m support for construction workforce

§  $10m for $2k payment to employers to maintain apprentices & trainees

§  $9.5m for monthly payment to employers of apprentices & trainees

§  $5m for apprentices & trainees to complete short training courses

·    $5.5m to waive wastewater service charges for JobKeeper eligible businesses (May-Aug)

·   Mines Safety Levy reduced 20% (from 21) to 17 cents per billable hour from Jul-20

·   Freeze specific rate royalties applied to minerals used by the building & construction sector for five-years commencing July-20

·    $800k (brought forward) from New Industries Fund (NIF) to support innovation sector, start-ups and SMEs

·    $800k in co-contribution grants for regional agrifood & beverage businesses to access new export markets

·   Existing ‘Keystart’ customers can access renovation loans up to $100k

·   $6k one-off incentive payment for employers who take on a displaced (after 1 March 2020) apprentice ($3k for a trainee) until 30 June 2021

·   Amendments to mining regulations to allow tenement holders impacted by COVID to apply for expenditure exemptions

·    $444m housing stimulus, including:

§  $319m to build, buy, renovate and maintain social housing

§  $97m (part of social housing stimulus) for State to purchase up to 20% of yet to be constructed new housing/off-the-plan dwellings

§  $117m ‘Building Bonus’ package, including $20k grants for new home purchases until 31 December (not means tested and no cap on property value).

§  $8.2m to expand existing 75% off-the-plan stamp duty rebate (up to $25k) to purchases in multi-tiered developments under construction

·    $159m for relief fund to support NFPs and community organisations helping people experiencing hardship

·    $100m short term lending facility (through WATC) to provide low cost liquidity to local governments and universities, with loan guarantee fees waived (worth $700k)

·    $91m for police and emergency response

·    $57m recovery package for TAFE & training sector, including $32m for fee reductions and $25m for free TAFE short courses

·    $1m for grants (up to $15k) to support regional creative & cultural artists and organisations

·    $195k relief fund for COVID impacted regional art galleries

·    $47m for additional ‘shovel-ready’ infrastructure projects

·    $20m for streamlined process for transport construction contracts

·    $9m relief package for taxi and on-demand transport industry

·    $7m for a one-off $2,500 utilities credit for charities and community organisations

·    $3.1m for support grants to regional airports

·    Payment of community service providers (until 30 June) irrespective of service provision

·   WA IRC grants two weeks' unpaid pandemic leave to all private sector State system employees. Also flexibility to take annual leave at half pay and in advance

·   $624k to subsidise air freight costs for agrifood providers

·   Grants of up to $10k for NFPs in the Kimberley through Water Corp Community Relief Fund

·   $150m (bring forward) ‘Housing Investment Package’ to refurbish 70 homes and build 500 social & affordable homes (includes $19m for 200 shared equity homes)

·    Reforms to planning laws, including accelerated assessment and approval process for ‘significant’ projects

·    $12m (bring forward) for Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) grants 

·    Establishment of a review of skills, training and workforce development in response to COVID-19 (due 30 June)

·    $4.65m (brought forward) to help State Sporting Associations maintain and upgrade assets

·   $1.5m for aboriginal art centres and independent artists

·    $1m to support 70 regional events

·    Temporary (duration of 2020) govt procurement changes allowing direct purchase from local business (up to $250k); lifting the threshold for public tender processes (up to $500k); enabling written quotations in place of a tender ($250k - $500k); and autonomy to extend contracts for up to two (2) years 

·   Waive course fees for up to six months of around 3,000 apprentices and trainees who have had their contracts cancelled or suspended

·  $500m for health, PPE and frontline service delivery

·  $455k for mental health campaign

· $37m (over 3 years) for WA Future Health Research and Innovation Fund

·  $15m for additional hospital equipment

·  $6m for COVID-19 related research and innovation

·  $5m for COVID related research to WA universities

· $2.9m for COVID-19 related research and infrastructure

· Amendments to workers' compensation legislation to provide a “presumption of work-related injury” for health care workers who contract COVID-19



·    $30m in Cost of Living Concessions with $500 one-off boost and bring forward for households receiving the Centrelink JobSeeker Payment

·    $13m in land tax relief, including

§  Ability to defer qtrly bills in FY20 for 6 months;

§  Increase Land Tax Transition Fund from 50% to 100% in FY21

·    Access to accrued leave for public sector workers where a family member has lost their job

·   $10m for grants of $1,000 to landlords for residential tenants suffering significant financial hardship as a result of COVID-19 restrictions (costed as part of previously announced stimulus package)

·    $650m Jobs Rescue Package, including:

§  $300m Business and Jobs Support Fund to directly assist individual businesses and industry sectors (includes $190m for emergency cash grants (up to $10k) for SMEs with turnover >$75k, payroll <$1.5m

§  $5.2m for taxi industry incl $4.3k payment per operator and 12mth fee waiver

§  $250m Community and Jobs Support Fund to help training and new skills

§  $13.8m for international education sector

·    $60m for payroll tax relief

§  6-month waiver for SMEs (up to $4m payroll) April to September

§  6-month deferral for business (over $4m payroll)

·    $50m land tax relief grants (up to 25% of tax bill) for landlords who reduce rent for tenants in line with mandatory code

·    $15m (brought forward) from Regional Growth Fund for regional business grants between $50k and $2m

·    $4.5m for business rent relief dur to forced closures

·    $2.6m for business infection control training

·    $500k for eCommerce Accelerator Program (eCAP) grants of up to $10k for SME exporters

·    $1m for live music industry, including grants between $5-20k

·    Waive liquor license fees in FY21

·    $350m on a range of measures, including road & hospital upgrades, new tourism infrastructure and increased funding for SA’s Economic and Business Growth Fund to support industry

§  $120m of infrastructure projects to support 165 jobs

§  $70m expansion of the Economic and Business Growth Fund

§  $15m for country hospital upgrades

§  $22m for nature based tourism

§  $10m for public housing maintenance

·   Establishment of an Export Recovery Taskforce to identify impacts across export sectors and to coordinate intervention and support

·    Defer costs linked to exploration & licence fees for the minerals and petroleum sectors until 31 December

·    $16m VET Market Continuity Package to support non-government training providers

·    $1.6m for charities and food relief organisations

·    $1.5m for a ‘Welcome back’ tourism campaign

·   $32m to undertake priority maintenance in schools and preschools

·   $700k to support regional council run childcare centres for a period of 12 weeks until 28 June

·    $29m for additional ‘shovel-ready’ infrastructure projects

·   $20k for Volunteering SA&NT

·  Bring forward (to April) upgrade of Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) emergency department

· $200k for medical research trial

· $684k for COVID testing


($2.2b on economic measures + $200m for interest free loans +

$164m on health measures)

·    $20m to cap electricity prices and freeze water bills and fire levy for FY21

·    $13m to waive/refund school levies in 2020

·    $6.7m to freeze rent for social housing tenants

·    Increase funding for Private Rental Incentive Scheme by up to 75 houses

·    State Govt casual workers will receive two weeks special leave if required to self-isolate

·    Emergency relief payments of $250 for individuals and up to $1000 for families required to self-isolate

·    $1m for emergency accommodation support for those placed on home quarantine

·    $1m for front line worker accommodation

·    Extend the First Home Owners Grant at $20k for a further 24 months to 30 June 2022

·    $4.3m for housing and homelessness support

·    $3m support for temporary visa holders

§  Extend eligibility for Isolation Assistance Grants of $250 per person ($1k per family)

§  NGO funding for emergency relief

§  Travel advice and assistance to return home

§  Support for business to retain employees with specialist skills

·   COVID-19 Rent Relief Fund to provide up to $2k (or 4 weeks rent) for tenants suffering extreme hardship

·   lifting the asset and income limits for ‘HomeShare’ program to assist those on lower incomes into home ownership. Will result in est. 150 additional purchases, including 75 new builds (over 2 years)

·   Extend COVID protections (rent increases & evictions) for residential tenants until 30 Sept 2020 (previously 30 June)

·   Wage freeze for TAS Senior Executive Service (SES) public servants. To be reviewed in November Budget

·    $50m (previously $20m) for SME (turnover < $10m, previously $5m) interest free loans (3 years) in hospitality, tourism, seafood and exports sectors

·    $50m Small Business Grants Program with $20m for emergency grants of $2.5k

§  Eligibility lifted to SMEs with <25 FTE who have seen drop in revenue greater than 30%

·    $30m Small Business Hardship Grants for one-off grants up to $15k

·    Waive and refund all FY20 payroll tax for the hospitality, tourism and seafood sectors and for SMEs with payrolls less than $5m

·    Govt fees for SMEs frozen, waived and capped:

§  Water & electricity bills waived for SMEs on first qtr bill after 1 April

§  Electricity bills capped & water bills frozen in FY21

§  Other fees & charges to be frozen

§  Waive certain fees for heavy vehicles and registration

·    $6.3m for Rapid Response Skills Initiative to assist with worker retraining / skills (up to $3k per individual) and establish redeployment pool

§  $1.5m Train Now Fund to  subsidise training for workers and sole traders

·    $750k for Business Continuity Advice service (incl $50k  Small Business Council; $200k THA; $200k Rural Business Tasmania)

·    $400k Digital Ready for Business Program, to assist businesses go online

·    Youth employment payroll tax rebate scheme from 1 April 2020

·    $2.6m on trade development for COVID impacted businesses

·    $2.1m for one-off $5,000 grants for businesses that hire an apprentice or trainee

·    Reducing payment terms by government from 30 to 14 days

·   ‘Explorer Support Package’ for mining industry, including: suspension of rental payments for exploration licences for 6 months; exemptions from licence work conditions for up to 6 months, with fees for applications waived; and application fees for the surrender or extension of term of exploration licences waived for six months

·    Additional $1.3b (total spend $3.1b) infrastructure package, including: social & affordable housing; roads & irrigation; essential services; and community facilities

·    $200m for interest free loans over three (3) years to 20 local councils for upgrades, renovations and maintenance of infrastructure

·    $150m (previously $50m) in interest free loans (3 years) to local government for tourism infrastructure

·    $50m for the maintenance of public buildings over 12 months

·    $12m for additional ‘shovel-ready’ infrastructure projects (joint with Feds)

·    $3.7m to waive fees for Rock Lobster, Crab,  Abalone farmers for 12 months

·    $2.5m (previously $670k) to waive fees & levies for fisheries operators for 12 months

·    $2m sporting club grants program $2.6m towards an air freight service for time sensitive freight (e.g. seafood)

·    $1.5m for Creative and Cultural Industries and extend arts organisation contracts by 12 months

·    $5m (previously $1m) for Salvation Army, The Red Cross and Rural Business Tas

·    $240k to waive annual taxi licence fees for 2020

·    $100k for Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Hospitality Association

·    $80k for Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

·    Removal of the efficiency dividend on State Government agencies over the forward estimates

·    50% discount on liquor licencing fees and waive all application fees for 2020

·    Waive tourism operator lease, license and entry fees in Q4-20

·   $2m per month to support racing industry

·   $100k support package for regional Chambers of Commerce

·   $50k to expand Wine Tasmania’s industry engagement projects

·  $150m for essential equipment, supplies and additional staff

·  $5m for child safety and family violence systems

·  $4m mental health support

·  $3m for primary healthcare

·  $875k to establish a mental health hotline

· $1.4m for family violence services during COVID-19 period

·  $450k for technology adaptation for community mental health, alcohol and drug services

·  $300k to expand alcohol and drug services

· $250k to adapt pharmacotherapy program for the pandemic


($400m on economic measures + $3m on health measures)

·    Freeze power, water & regulatory fees at current levels until 1 July 2021 

·    Waive payroll tax for six (6) months for SMEs (payroll <$7.5m with turnover down at least 30%)

·    Defer payroll tax for six (6) months for large businesses (payroll >$7.5m with turnover down at least 50%)

·    50% reduction to power, water and sewerage bills for six (6) months

·    $65 million Jobs Rescue & Recovery Plan

§  $60m Home Improvement Scheme with (matched) grants up to $6k

§  $20m for Business Improvement Scheme with matched grants of up to $20k

§  $5m Business Structural Adjustment to upgrade online presence etc. eligible to all business with a focus on hospitality sector

§  $5m Immediate Works Grant for not-for-profit and community organisations of up to $50k

§  Freezing SME Fees and Charges and Electricity Prices until 1 July 2021

·    $50m Small Business Survival Fund

§  $2k-$50k Survival Payments  

§  $1k-$5k Rapid Adaption Payment

·    $5.2m for (matched) tourism vouchers of $200 to support local tourism businesses with bookings and travel to be completed by 31 October

·    $2m Tourism Resilience Plan with grants up to $50k

·    $1m to extend, across the Territory, the discount voucher scheme to incentivise spending in local businesses

·   $800k for business infection control training

·    $12.7m for additional ‘shovel-ready’ infrastructure projects

·    $17.5m for upgrades and maintenance for tourism destinations

·    $11m construction industry stimulus (building 15 new classrooms)

·    Remote Community Schools Package including $500 retention payment for staff remaining between 9-20 April and an additional day of leave

·   $5m Worker and Wellbeing Fund for support services such as financial counselling, emergency assistance etc.

·   Waive gaming machine taxes in March and return gaming tax rate to its 2016 levels

·    $7.1m Special Community Assistance and Local Employment (SCALE) program in FY20 for local govt employment

·    $6m Council Support Package in FY21 for local council rates waivers and deferrals

·    $4m for school infrastructure initiatives

·   $1.5m for one-off $10k top-up grants for non-govt childcare operators

·   $2m support for creative / arts industry

·  $3m for domestic & family violence services


($247m on economic measures + $126m for health measures)

·    $250 rental support for all public housing tenants

·    $200 one-off rebate for residential utility concession holders

·    $150 rebate on residential rates

·    Freeze on ACT Government fees and charges

·    Encourage rent reductions by at least 25% by sharing the cost reduction 50/50 basis, capped at $1,300 per quarter

·    Delay the issuing and payments dates of all general rates notices by four weeks

·    Defer general household rates for 12 months with no interest applied

·   $450k package for temporary visa holders and international students

·    Landlords eligible to apply for a waiver or rebate on their commercial rates, tied to the rental relief passed onto their tenants

·    Rental relief to tenants of ACT Government owned properties

·    Defer the issue and payment of Q4 commercial rates instalments by four weeks

·    Access to interest free deferrals of payroll tax commencing 1 July 2020 for all businesses up to a payroll of $10m (SMEs up to $2m payroll already exempt)

§  Anticipated to free up additional $100m of funds

·    Six (6) month waiver on payroll tax for hospitality, creative arts and entertainment and construction industries

·    $750 rebate for small business owners to help with power bills

·    Waiving of fees for food business registration and liquor licencing fees and outdoor dining fees

·    Rebate on the fixed charge on commercial rates for properties with an AUV below $2m  

·    ACT Govt to expedite payment of bills to SMEs

·    One-off $5k to taxi drivers who lease their taxi plates

·    $20m on infrastructure projects and maintenance on local schools, roads, and public transport

·    $17.6m for additional ‘shovel-ready’ infrastructure projects

·    $5m for NGO’s for emergency relief / community support

·    $1.5m for the Clubs Diversification Fund to support employment

·    $500k  grants funding for the arts sector

·    $100k for Lifeline ACT

·    'Jobs for Canberrans' fund to allow ACT Government Directorates to continue employing people

·    Funding for Clubs who surrender gaming machine authorisations

·   $3m for tree planting and maintenance

·  $126m for additional health facility infrastructure and equipment